General Disclaimer
The General disclaimer herein is in regards to any and all of GPM Property Management Inc’s sites, programs, information provided, marketing material and/or services provided. GPM Property Management Inc is a privately funded company with owners who are real estate agents associated with Keller Williams Points North, a New York licensed real estate broker and does not offer legal or accounting advice. The company self-funds its home owner assistance program by committing a portion of its earnings from its real estate services. The company is privately owned, for profit, and is not associated directly or indirectly with any local, state, or federal governmental agency or program. The company cannot guarantee any outcome, including the sale of your home or sale price. Before entering into any agreement and/or services provided, it is recommended that you get legal advice from an independent attorney. Some services and information are provided by 3rd party companies and/or affiliates, including New York licensed attorneys to whom we may refer you for assistance. Outcome, result, timing, etc. will vary on a case by case basis.
GPM Property Management Inc’s sites, information, marketing material, program information and/or services provided will contain information. It is important to understand that there is a difference between information that helps you better understand the options and/or services provided to you that you may have versus legal advice. GPM Property Management Inc’s does not offer legal advice, but may direct you to a New York licensed attorney who can. We aim to direct you to resources that do not require that you outlay any funds upfront, including for third party legal services. We strongly suggest that you speak with a separate attorney for legal advice before entering any agreement or use of services, programs, etc.
Any pro bono services provided may be provided by a 3rd party and/or affiliate. Since there is no monetary value to these pro bono services, all pro bono services are non-negotiable. Each service offered may vary in terms and contingencies. You are not obligated to accept, and may decline, any pro bono services.
*Although we pride ourselves on providing services where there is no money out of your pocket, depending on the service offered, we do require your agreement to work with our brokerage firm/real estate agents in the event that you decide to sell your home. In such instances, any funds for the service would be those typical of a real estate closing and would be payable at closing.
For all properties that require a short sale, a monetary option may be provided. If so, it will be disclosed and must be approved by any and all lien holders on the property.
Each property is unique. Results may vary and no outcome or result is guaranteed. GPM Property Management Inc reserves the right to decline any and all services at its sole discretion and is not obligated to purchase real property, and/or provide any services if it does not wish to do so.
Any grants or programs you may be eligible for may be privately funded by GPM Property Management Inc and/or suggestions of 3rd party offerings. GPM Property Management Inc does not guarantee the success of any programs, information, suggestions, grants, or any other initiatives provided by GPM Property Management Inc and/or any 3rd party offerings.
Any offerings on a property is just that, an offering. You are not obligated to proceed with any offers and/or services presented.
GPM Property Management Inc does not represent any set monetary value or volunteered time that it donates and/or provides to any of our “giving back” partners, affiliates and/or associates.